Variable | Example | Description |
PRINTPAGENAME | Receipt | Prints the name of the page currently being displayed |
PRINTSUBTOTAL | 49.95 | Prints the order subtotal |
PRINTSHIPPING | 2.95 | Prints the total shipping amount |
PRINTTAX | 3.12 | Prints the total tax |
PRINTGRANDTOTAL | 56.02 | Prints the order grand total |
PRINTBILLNAME | John Doe | Prints the billing full name |
PRINTBILLSTREET1 | 123 Sample Lane | Prints the first line of the billing street address |
PRINTBILLSTREET2 | Suite 234 | Prints the second line of the billing street address |
PRINTBILLCITY | Beverly Hills | Prints the bill city |
PRINTBILLSTATE | CA | Prints the bill state |
PRINTBILLZIP | 90210 | Prints the bill postal code |
PRINTBILLCOUNTRY | US | Prints the bill country |
PRINTSHIPNAME | John Doe | Prints the shipping full name |
PRINTSHIPSTREET1 | 123 Sample Lane | Prints the first line of the shipping street address |
PRINTSHIPSTREET2 | Suite 234 | Prints the second line of the shipping street address |
PRINTSHIPCITY | Beverly Hills | Prints the ship city |
PRINTSHIPSTATE | CA | Prints the ship state |
PRINTSHIPZIP | 90210 | Prints the ship postal code |
PRINTSHIPCOUNTRY | US | Prints the ship country |
PRINTORDERNUMBER | OnlineOrder_02004219 | Prints the order invoice number |
PRINTCOUPONIDS | | Prints a comma separated list of the coupons used in this order |
PRINTYOURID | | Prints your CustomerID if any |
PRINTIPADDRESS | | Prints customer's IP address |
PRINTNAME | John Doe | Prints the billing full name |
PRINTEMAIL | | Prints the billing email address |