Stalker Radar / Applied Concepts, Inc.

Orders are processed and shipped as soon as possible. Should you need something by a specific date, please call 800-782-5537.

Important: UPS and FedEx Ground & USPS First Class Mail shipments are taking longer than normal to reach their final destination. This is beyond our control and we appreciate your patience.

Please note that the ‘Company’ field is a required field. If your order is for personal use, please identify what agency or department you work for.

Billing Information  Customer Login 
*First/Last Name:  
*Street Address:  
*Zip-Postal Code:  
*Day Phone:  
Night Phone:  
Fax Number:  
*Email Address:  
Shipping Information  
*First/Last Name:  
*Street Address:  
*Zip-Postal Code:  
*Day Phone:  
Night Phone:  
Fax Number:  
*Email Address:  
Check here if your shipping/billing information are the same.
* required field
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